Samsam webexpedition 2010: Ambon

Katinka de Maar / Documentary / 2010 / 3 x 15'

Commissioned by the magazine Samsam, Witfilm produced the 2010 Web Expedition. This is an educational project for children in the last two years of primary school. This year the expedition explored Ambon and the theme “Friendship”.

Witfilm produced the following:
– Overall production
– Development and production of the television series: Vriendschap (Friendship), in which different children from Ambon and their friendships are portrayed.
– Production of the Samsam magazine (465.000 copies)
– Coordination and execution of the web editorial office in The Netherlands and Ambon for the website Samsam during the web expedition.


Katinka de Maar
Pim Hawinkels
Pim Hawinkels
Wineke Onstwedder